Top 5 most frustrating NES moments. #5- The Yellow Devil


Back in the late 80's early 90's gaming wasn't as forgiving as it is now. When you messed up, the game simply laughed at you as your sprite turned into 8-bit dust. However, now with the new console generation, people take saving for granted. Think of Skyrim for a moment. Sure it's an amazing game, but there's no limit to how many times you can save a game. If you mess up, you can just go back to where you saved at the beginning of the dungeon. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I just think gamers have forgotten just how frustrating it was to get to a certain point in a game, die, and have the life shattering game over screen pop up. Game over meant you go ALL the way back to the beginning. 

With that being said, I'm going to count down my top 5 most frustrating moments in NES gaming. 
#5  The Yellow Devil from Megaman

If you remember fighting this annoying piece of crap, then you probably remember throwing plenty of controllers in frustration. After you beat all of the robot masters in the first Megaman, something magical happens, Dr. Wiley appears and you then get transported to his fortress. When I first saw that, I was so excited. Hours and hours of stress inducing gameplay, all leading up to this moment. It was time to kick Wiley's ass. After battling through the first couple parts of his castle, you enter a room kind of like when you fought the robot masters. Yellow chunks of 8 bit garbage come flying at you and what happens next is about to be scarred onto your 6 year old retinas for the rest of your life. The Yellow Devil appears and just immediately starts wrecking you. And then you die. 

I dont know what it was that frustrated me so much about this boss? Maybe it was the fact that his pattern was so hard to learn, maybe it was because I always ran out of the Thunder Beam attack, or maybe it's just because this guy is a cheating piece of CRAP. Since the only spot you can hit him is his eye, and you only have one shot before he starts attacking you, you better be able to hit him every time. You really only get one or two mess ups and then its over. 

It took me years to beat this guy, but once I did, oh man, it was great. So thank you Capcom, for creating one of the most annoying bosses in all of history. 


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