Top 5 Most Annoying NES Moments. #1- Ninja Gaiden Respawning Enemies.

Any game you've ever played, whether its from the NES era, or present day gaming, doesn't compare to the amount of frustration that comes from playing Ninja Gaiden. This game is the grand daddy of friggan hard games, and it goes without saying that if you've beaten this, then you're a god of gaming. There are many factors that make this game so difficult, for one, it has the same thing like in Castlevainia where when you get hit, you jump backwards (normally towards a hole). The other factor, and what I think is the main reason this game is so difficult, are the respawning enemies.

Basically what it comes down to is, every screen has a certain number of enemies on it and once you kill them, they're gone; until you leave the screen. So each section of the level is programmed to have these enemies on them, no matter if you kill them or not. This may not seem like a big problem at first, in fact in the beginning stages you rarely see this. However, as you progress further in the game, it becomes more and more of hassle to deal with. This being because there are just so many enemies that can appear on each screen, that progressing forward seems impossible.

I also have to mention that some of the enemies will continually respawn. For example, the football player looking guys will run at you and eventually run off the screen, but then another one immediately appears and you have to dodge him too. So, lets take that, add some dudes shooting at you, bats dive bombing you, and if you get hit, you're more than likely to fall off the platform to your death. Yeah, not so easy huh?

Like I said, this isn't as prevalent in the first couple stages, but once you get towards the middle, say, around stage 5, it becomes crazy and you'll want to throw your controller directly at the TV. It's seriously something you have to witness to understand completely. I remember playing this for the first time when I was in highschool (yeah, this isn't from my childhood) and getting to a point in the game where I literally thought there was a glitch. Only to realize that this was just how the game is. To this day, I have yet to be it, and I don't think I'm in the minority here. Ninja Gaiden is a game that requires tons and tons of patience, and it's a perfect example of the NES era of gaming. Games back then were made to be incredibly difficult (at least most were) because developers knew that if someone could beat the game in one playthrough, that it would be over. In turn, we get games like Megaman, Ninja Gaiden, Castlevania, and so much more.

I think that's why I love games from the late 80's and early 90's. They had so much soul put in to them. It's not like today where games can just rely on graphics and online components to get by. Back in the day, you had to make a legitimately good game, or it was going to flop. Most of these games only have one gameplay mode and are single player, and to me, that's why they're so good. Developers had very little to work with graphics wise, and even less to work with when it came to consoles. So they did there best, and most of the good games from the NES still hold up today. You can't say that for many other consoles. These games may have been the bane of my existence growing up, but I still played them, and looking back, I wouldn't change any bit of it.

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